- Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah a Jewish coming of age ritual, when a boy or girl become responsible in all areas of Jewish life.
- Beshayrt soul mate, ones intended.
- Chabad-Lubavitch A Hasidic movement in Orthodox Judaism, founded in 18th-century Russia, which emphasizes intellectually enriching the mind with Jewish mystical concepts.
- Daven to pray to God.
- Ha-Shem “The Name,” used as a substitution out of respect to God’s name.
- Hasidim (Hassidim/Chasidim) “people of kindness,” a branch of Orthodox Judaism that promotes Jewish mysticism and love for God and other people.
- Kabbalah (kabbala, cabbala) Jewish mysticism. An esoteric method of interpreting Scriptures to penetrate sacred mysteries and find fulfillment.
- Mazel luck, destiny.
- Mazel Tov congratulations, good luck.
- Mashiach (mashiah, moshiah) The Messiah, a great charismatic leader, who will lead people into a time of peace and love on Earth.
- Mikvah ritual bath.
- Mitzvah commandment, good deed.
- Rebbe a spiritual teacher/leader.
- Rebbitsen the Rabbi’s wife.
- Shabbat (Shabbos) a Day of rest, from sundown Friday until three stars are in the sky on Saturday night.
- Shalom
peace, used to say both hello and goodbye.
- Shekinah (Shekhinah, Shechinah) the feminine attribute of the divine, as well as the divine force in creation.
- Shomer negiah a person who has no physical contact with the opposite sex, other than their spouse and immediate family.
- Shlukah a woman emissary.
- Tznius modesty in dress, language and behavior.
- Torah the Five Books of Moses, the foundation narrative of the Jewish people